
OpSIG has assembled the OpsBibliography containing about a dozen books and over 300 magazine articles and websites relevant to model railroad operations. We have drawn liberally from lists prepared by Gary Gelzer, Bruce Wilson, David Doiron, the NMRA library, Eric Lundberg and no doubt many others.

The list is arranged in order by Keyword and Title and also includes the citation's author, year and month of publication, page, magazine or publisher, and some comments. The list may be downloaded to spreadsheet programs such as Excel.   This may be helpful in reading the file which has become un-aligned in uploading.  Copies of most magazine articles may be obtained by members from the NMRA Library for a nominal charge.  MR back issues or photocopies are available from Kalmbach's Consumer Sales Dept. by calling 800-446-5489, or through the MODEL RAILROADER Home page.  Other publications also offer back issues and copies.

Additions and corrections are most welcome.  Please send to

Keyword List

  • Book - Books on Railroad Operations Model and Prototype
  • CarFwd - Articles on Various Methods of Car Forwarding
  • Computer - Model Railroad Computer Applications
  • Disp - Articles on Prototype and Model Railroad Dispatching
  • Genl - Articles of General Interest related to Operations
  • Helper - Articles on Helper Operations
  • Ind - Articles on Railroad Related Industries and Modelling
  • Perish - Articles on Perishable Traffic (Reefers, Produce, etc.)
  • Proto - Articles on Prototype Operation
  • Psgr - Articles on Passenger Train Operations
  • Swtg - Articles on Railroad Switching
  • Wayfrt - Articles on Way Freight Operations
  • Yards - Articles on Railroad Yards
BookA Compendium of Model Railroad Operations - from Design to ImplementationOPSIG2017Entire bookOPSIGA complete guide to all things operations, covers every aspect of prototype operations and how to apply them to your model railroad - from design and staffing to yards and paperwork, from communications and signals to dispatching and car forwarding. See ordering information.
Book19 Copy Three WestDave Sprau & Steve King2012Entire bookOPSIGA complete explanation and instruction manual on Timetable & Train Order operations, compiled from the seminal series of articles published in the DO, as well as an entire new section on how to teach, implement and enjoy this from of train dispatching. Written by two respected professional experts in the field, 160 pages in full color. Out of print, but available for free to OpSIG members.
BookCreative Model Railroad DesignArmstrong, John1978 KalmbachFor intermediate or advanced modeler. Continues to develop themes presented in Track Planning for Realistic Operation by looking at layout design as influenced by various factors such as pike location, scenery, prototypes or theme.
BookDesign Handbook for Model RailroadsMallery, Paul1979 Carstens PublishingIncludes a chapter on design of small layouts and useful diagrams showing segments of track plans throughout the book.
BookFreight Terminals & Trains 
Droege, John A.1998 NMRAReprint of McGraw Hill 2nd ed. 1925. The definitive work on operation of freight trains, terminals, railroads and the people who operated them.
BookHow to Operate your Model Railroad 
Chubb, Bruce1977 Kalmbach (out of prt)Broad overview of model railroad operations, starting with the prototype and covering most important topics, including timetables, switching, dispatching and freight car forwarding. Unfortunately out of print, but it is still found at some hobby shops and bookstores.
BookLet's Operate a Railroad 
Roxbury, L. E.1957 High-Iron PublishersDescribes the prototypical operations of a railroad. Everything from what a Yard Clerk does to what a Car Distributor does in his/her job along with various operations in a yard and on the road.
BookModel Railroading with John Allen 
Westcott, Linn H.1989 Kalmbach (3rd ed) 
BookOperation Handbook for Model RailroadsMallery, Paul1991 Carstens Pub, 2nd edReviews concepts, operating positions, timetables, rights of trains, signals, car forwarding, etc., A useful study of issues in operations.
BookPassenger Terminals and TrainsDroege, John A.1969 Kalmbach (out of prt)Reprint of McGraw Hill original edition 1917. The definitive work on operation of passenger trains, terminals, stations and railroads.
BookRealistic Revenue Operations for Model Railroads 
Villaret, Eugene1985 Greenberg Publications 
BookThe railroad--what it is, what it doesArmstrong, John1982 Simmons-BoardmanBilled as "the introduction to railroading," written for the railroader, this is an explanation of today's railroad technology, the railroad network and railroad operations. A comprehensive overview of the way the today's railroad system works. Also contains a fine bibliography of suggested readings.
BookTrack Planning for Realistic Operation 
Armstrong, John1998 Kalmbach (3rd ed)First published in 1962, third edition explains whys and wherefores of layout planning, from prototype to table top. Every model railroader planning a layout should read this book.
V&O Story, The 
McClelland, Allen1984 Carstens PublishingChapters on Train Procedures Directories, Car cards & waybills
Return to Index Key 
CarFwdAdministration Planning For Ops - Pt 1 Freight ConsignmentMansfield, Jim921216Model Railroading 
CarFwdAdministration Planning For Ops - Pt 2 Freight ConsignmentMansfield, Jim930160Model Railroading 
CarFwdAll in the Cards 
Ellison, Frank650152MRoriginally in MR 5408
CarFwdBridge Traffic Can Be Fun 
Armstrong, John770584MR 
CarFwdCar Card Operations for Mountain Railroads 
Hansen, Don W.860535Model RailroadingCard, Mountain
CarFwdCar CardsCarangi Charles910511Railmodel Journal 
CarFwdCar Cards and Waybills 
King, Steve780268RModel Craftsmansee also RMC 2/57 (reprint?)
CarFwdCar Cards, from the East Coast Action Operators 910511Railmodel JournalCard
CarFwdCar Distribution - A Realistic Way to Generate TrafficAdams, Francis P.6002 MR 
CarFwdCar distribution with 3x5 cards 
Warren840134NMRA Bulletin 
CarFwdCard Order Operation 
Dyer, T. Gerald521248MR 
CarFwdCard Order Operation on the Victoria Northern 
Dohn, Roy580550MR 
CarFwdCard order operation system 
Clark680318NMRA Bulletin 
CarFwdCargo Operation 
Bull Session740366MR 
CarFwdCargo operation, planning industry shipments 
Poindexter, Ray740366MRFreight, Industry
CarFwdColorful operation - using colored tags 
Mallery, Paul650228RModel CraftsmanTag
CarFwdCommodity based card operating systemVail, Jim910476RModel Craftsman 
CarFwdDiGiT System of OperationDohn, Roy640532MR 
CarFwdEnhanced Car Forwarding on the Midland Road 
Koester, Tony930375MR 
CarFwdFreight Car Routing via Assigned Service Placards 
Schleicher, Robert8504 Model Railroading 
CarFwdG&D Card operation 
Johns, D.F. Jr.690326RModel CraftsmanCard
CarFwdGenerating Freight Traffic with Summaries 
Schleicher, Bob870227Model Railroading 
CarFwdGo with the (Traffic) Flow - Pt I Easy Car-card System 
Swanson, John871136Prototype Modeler 
CarFwdImproved Handling for Empty Freight Cars 
Koester, Tony940376MR 
CarFwdIndustry car orders & how rrs fill them 
Harber890730Railmodel Journal 
CarFwdLatest Word on Card OperationsSmith, Doug611252MRTHE seminal article on car card forwarding
CarFwdLocomotive and caboose cards 
Holbrook, Dan9202122MRCard
CarFwdMagnetic waybills - tiny colored magnetic waybills 
Doran, William650532RModel CraftsmanTag, Waybill
CarFwdMidland Moves Coal, TheKoester, Tony970270MR 
CarFwdNew Card Order System 
Ravenscroft, Ed580922MR 
CarFwdOperation -- Key to Authentic RailroadingSmith, Doug571024MR 
CarFwdOperation for the fun of it, basic card systems, part 1Wright, Bill82 Fall76Model RailroadingCard
CarFwdOperation Unlimited 
 620644MRhand-written switch lists
CarFwdOperation with CCT 
Ravenscroft, Ed650720MR 
CarFwdOrganize your car cards 
Boelter, Bob9612139MR 
CarFwdPre-Printed Car Card Operations 
Kelly, Jim870414Model RailroadingCard
CarFwdRefinements for CCT Car Forwarding 
Hediger, Jim720741MR 
CarFwdSimplified card orders 
Branson, Sidney R.770286MRCard Order
CarFwdTab System that John Allen Used 
Sperandeo, Andy780267MR 
CarFwdTab-on-Car Operations 
Sperandeo, Andy811284MR 
CarFwdTIBS, Train & Industry Blocking System 
Holbrook, Dan870791MR 
CarFwdTraffic Generation - A Method of Simulating TrafficFink, Bob7711108MR 
CarFwdWaybill OperationWalsh, Terry600826MR 
CarFwdWaybill operation on the West Agony & InchoateWalsh, Terry600826MRWaybill
CarFwdWaybills on the Car 
Ravenscroft, Ed751186MR 
CarFwdWaytacks for the New Glencoe Skokie Valley 
Ravenscroft, Ed790278MR 
CarFwdWhat to Do with the EmptiesAdams, Francis630827MR 
CarFwdWheel Reports for Easy Operation 
Hediger, Jim8405102MR 
CarFwdYard & Industrial Switching PaperworkMansfield, Jim790878RModel Craftsman 
Return to Index Key 
ComputerComputer Applications: Planned Railroad Routing 
Puckett, Larry911049Model RailroadingComputer, Software
ComputerComputer Applications: Ship It! - the best in operationsPuckett, Larry961016Model RailroadingComputer, Review, Software
ComputerComputer Freight Car Routing System 
Hanslip, Mark851133NMRA Bulletin 
ComputerComputer Waybill OperationSchuchmann, Walt8911114MR 
ComputerComputer-generated timetables using fast timeMollard9003124MRwith Zucor Ltd software review
ComputerComputerized Traffic Generator 
Fink, Bob740272MR 
ComputerComputerized Traffic Generator, AFink, Bob840272MR 
ComputerComputers and the Modeler - Interlok Software - CarTrackerBonham, Harry930775RModel Craftsman 
ComputerComputers in model railroading: An operation trainer 
Fink, Bob9112148MRFor training new operators
ComputerComputers in model railroading: an operations model 
Fink, Bob9103108MR 
ComputerComputers in model railroading: Computer yard hopping 
Fink, Bob9209110MRBASIC program generates car orders
ComputerComputers in model railroading: Switch lists by spreadsheetSciutto, John890390MRComputer, Spreadsheet, Switching
ComputerComputers in model railroading: traffic generation 
Fink, Bob9106115MRJust some ideas
ComputerFirst simple model railroad computer program 
Fobes, Lawrence850148Model RailroadingComputer, Software
ComputerMetrecon Traffic Generator program 
Fiehmann, Don850692RModel CraftsmanAlgorithm, Computer, Review, Software
ComputerRandom Way Freight/Industry Car Program 
Thompson, Kurt930435NMRA Bulletin 
ComputerRunning trains with computers 
Thompson, Keith9710108MR 
ComputerStringline Scheduling (Computers in MR) 
 9506 MR 
ComputerSwitcher: a second generation traffic generatorPuckett, Larry901026Model RailroadingComputer, Software, Traffic
Return to Index Key 
DispCentralized traffic control for the Sunset Valley 
Chubb, Bruce8401186MRCtc, Electronics, Signal, Svrr
DispCreating an employee timetable 
DispCTC on the Cat Mountain Line 
Thompson, Ken840574MR 
DispDesigning a Timetable for the Maumee 
Darnaby, Bill9301 MR 
DispDispatcher on the Sunset ValleyChubb, Bruce751172MRDispatcher, Svrr
DispDispatcher panel with class 
Geiger, Doug921180RModel CraftsmanCTC; pt 1; pt 2 in 1992 Dec
DispDispatching and SchedulingTowers, Whit620748MR 
DispDispatching Techniques 
McCurdy, Belding910613NMRA Bulletin 
DispHow to design a timetableRavenscroft, Ed580728MRTimetable
DispIt's Your Railroad 
Abbey, Wally530120Trains & TravelB&O CTC dispatcher shift
DispOperating with Train OrdersPrehoda, Robert990669RModel Craftsman 
DispPhones on the Huntington NorthernBirsa, Joe990478RModel Craftsman 
DispPre-Planned Dispatching 
Bates, Alan L.740842RModel Craftsman 
DispReal Railroad Operations, part III: Dispatching 
Bonham, Harry930640Railmodel JournalDispatcher
DispRights of Trains (reprint) 
Josserand, Peter1999 Simmons-Boardmanclassic explanation of rulebook and TT&TO dispatching
DispScale distance & speed (art of MR pt 4) 
Ellison, Frank641124MR 
DispScale time & fast clock 
Koester, Tony9405120MR 
DispScale time (Art of mr pt 3)Ellison, Frank641034MR 
DispScheduling from scratch 
Ellison, Frank6412 MRHow to prepare a mr timetable
DispScheduling with a spreadsheet 
Schuchmann, Walt9506112MRString-line train scheduling - Computers in Model Railroading
DispScratchpad dispatchingQueyrel810214NMRA Bulletin 
DispSouth End DeskFrailey, Fred860924TrainsMKT dispatcher
DispTelephone system used on the Cat Mountain & Santa FeThompson, Ken820864MR 
DispTelephones for Your Model Railroad 
Westerfield, Al940375RModel Craftsman 
DispTimetable and Train Order OperationTajibnapis, Will990880MR 
DispTimetable and Train Order Operation, a Primer 
Amsler, Bob9907
DispTimetable for the Sierra, Cajon & Pacific, A 
 731140NMRA Bulletin 
DispTimetable Operations on the Alturas & Lone Pine RR 
Towers, Whitney K.880654Model RailroadingAlp,Timetable
DispTimetable Work SheetsNMRA730955NMRA Bulletin 
DispTimetables for smoother operation, BASIC program 
Pyfer, Jerry870470MRComputer, Software, Timetable
DispTiming and Use of Clock in OperationAllen, John660326MR 
DispTrack Warrant Control on the CATS 
Williams, Ron920868MR 
DispTrack Warrants 
St. Davids, Wayne9308 Model Railroading 
DispWhy use scale time? 
Allen, John660622MRTime
Return to Index Key 
Genl80 Minutes of Operation in 80 Square FeetMoore, Bob800183RModel Craftsman 
GenlABC's of model railroading - operating your model railroadAllen, John751146MRBeginner, Layout
GenlAllegheny Midland: 2Koester, Tony8801116MRA discussion of the factors that enhance operation
GenlArt of Model Railroading, The 
Ellison, Frank7607 MRalso Mar-Aug 1944 reprinted by Kalmbach as a book
GenlBeginning operation 
Lucas, Carl F.620644MR 
GenlBeyond the "oval" layout Part 1Bowers, Peter950219Trackside Modeler 
GenlBeyond the "oval" layout Part 2Bowers, Peter950426Trackside Modeler 
GenlBookshelf HO Layout with Staging 
Taylor, Joe941082MR 
GenlBridge Line Operations on the Johnstown & Gerryville 
Puckett, Larry980446Model RailroadingBridgeline
GenlCardinal System - 4 rr's coordinate traffic 
Brown, Jack890473RModel CraftsmanFreytag, Dean,Kattau, Hal, Layout, Roberts, John
GenlCase Against Operation, The 
Kuykendall, Ronald770332NMRA Bulletinslow down and enjoy
GenlCheck list for good operationSchopp, Bill631258RModel CraftsmanTroubleshoot
GenlClass I for One Man: a Track Plan 
GenlClinchfield Simulator 
Bull Session7904130MRCarangi Charles
GenlControl And Power Planning For Operation 
Mansfield, Jim940319Model RailroadingBasics Of Control Panels And Power Distribution - On Track Pt 2
GenlCrew communications 
Mansfield, Jim961127Model Railroading 
GenlDelta Lines Operating Night 
Ellison, Frank551126MR 
GenlDesign & Operate Model Rr Based on Prototype Pts I&II 
Durrenberger, Cyril8112, 8202 Prototype Modeler 
GenlDesigning Model Railroad Operations (with bibliography) 
Schumaker, Richard9805
GenlDirect Traffic Management for Model Rr Dispatching 
 8810114MRmagnetic dispatcher's panel
GenlDowngrade with empties, upgrade with loads 
Hegge, Bob570422MRInterurban, Layout
GenlEnhance your operating sessions - unusual consists 
Pyfer, Jerry870935Prototype Modeler 
GenlEnhancing Operations with Procedures ManualsGruber, Bill920172RModel Craftsman 
GenlEvolving Operations on the N Scale Three Sisters RR 
Lewis, Dan9602112MR 
GenlFast freight on LPA-1 on the Alturas and Lone Pine 
Towers, Whitney K.660922MRALP, Trackplan, HO
GenlFollow those short lines, for operating and motive power ideasDockham, Ralph781016RRModelerIndustrial, Shortline
GenlForming an Operating GroupLundberg, Eric950756RModel Craftsman 
GenlG&D, Operation on the Delaware 
Taylor, Richard W.621238MRdispatching and destinations
GenlGive Operation a Try 
Sperandeo, Andy950986MRVery basic overview
GenlGo with the (Traffic) Flow - Pt II Designing Operations 
Swanson, John880132Prototype Modeler 
GenlHazardous cargo - add operational interestObregon, Conrad800557RModel CraftsmanHazardous
GenlHelix tracks for Holding/Layover OperationsHansen, Don W.860738Model RailroadingHelix, Holding, Layover, Track
GenlHow to operate a small layout realisticallyKelly, Jim9211 MR 
GenlHow to Operate Your Layout 
Barrow, David9510104MR 
also June, Aug 95
GenlHow to use signals 
Small, Charles501144MRSignal
GenlIndex of Operations articles 
Burroughs, Albin86114Model RailroadingArticle, Index
GenlIndex of Prototype and Model Operations Articles 
Morgan, Brian88044Model RailroadingArticle, Index
GenlIntermodal Terminal OperationsKelly, Jim870128Model RailroadingIntermodal, Terminal
GenlKeeping Track (operations forms) 
Lundberg, Eric7803 MR 
GenlLayover/Holding Track Operations 
Hansen, Don W.860344Model RailroadingHolding, Layover, Track
GenlLeadville Operator 
Lundberg, Eric910324NMRA Bulletin 
GenlLessons from a session 
Schaumburg, Bill9409110RModel Craftsmanoperating tips
GenlMainline Train Movements (Operating a Local) 
Towers, Whit611054MR 
GenlMaumee Turns a Mike, TheDarnaby, Bill960794MR 
GenlMeasuring Scale Speed 
Bull Session8601170MR 
GenlModel Railroad Operations 
Healy, Ken90029OVAR InterchangeOttawa Valley Area Railroaders (club)
GenlMulti-Operational Concept, The 
Mansfield, Jim950330Model RailroadingOntrack
GenlMy two railroads - thoughts on operation and planning 
Vail, Jim970744Narrow Gauge &SLTrackplanning, yard capacity
GenlNew Age of Operations, part I: Evolution 
Brown, Jack891140Railmodel Journal 
GenlNew Age of Operations, part II: Model or prototype? 
 900354Railmodel Journal 
GenlNew age operation, part 3: the human element 
Lemke, J.H.910644Railmodel Journal 
GenlN-scale railroad built for realistic operationHall, George9310108MR 
GenlOperating night on the narrow gauge 
Christopherson/Ellerby941140Narrow Gauge &SLrelaxed tt ops
GenlOperating Night on the Santa Cruz Northern 
Providenza, Jim960572MR 
GenlOperating Schemes 
Mansfield, Jim930950Model RailroadingOntrack
GenlOperating the Allegheny & Lake Erie - 4x14 dogbone 
Armstrong, John520916MRTrackplan, Ho
GenlOperating the Alturas & Lone Pine RR 
Towers, Whitney K.830272MRAlp, Layout
GenlOperating the Midwest Modeler's layout 
Neale, Bill870786MRClub, Layout
GenlOperating the new Sandric & Lake Superior 
Lundberg, Eric970282RModel Craftsman 
GenlOperating the South Plains DistrictBarrow, David9612100MRalso Sept, Oct, Nov 96
GenlOperating Your Model Railroad 
MR Staff571146MRillustrated overview of operations
GenlOperation at the Fillmore engine facility 
Chubb, Bruce771190MRRoundhouse, Service, Svrr
GenlOperation Comes after the SurgeryAt The Throttle751145MR 
GenlOperation For The '90s: Operation 2000 
Mansfield, Jim940562Model RailroadingOntrack
GenlOperation is key on the Colrain Valley RR, small room 
Hayden, Bob771158MRLayout, Trackplan, Ho
GenlOperation on the Crystal River Southern 
Hiatt, John T.680836MR 
GenlOperation on the Sandric & Lake Superior 
Lundberg, Eric800862MRcard order system
GenlOperation on the Texas & Rio Grande Western - Part 1McClanahan, Bill581232MRPart 2 in MR 5912 p86
GenlOperation ShorthandMansfield, Jim950724Model RailroadingOntrack
GenlOperation unlimited, 9x10 GDohn, Roy601255MRTrackplan, HO
GenlOperation: the Pros and the Cons 
Tipton, Rick8001 MR 
GenlOperation-An Indusrty Run Railroad 
Sand, Linda911143NScaleSand, Linda
GenlOperations ?Granite Mountain Style - Parts 1,2,3Geiger, Doug'000725Model Railroadingalso Aug, Sept 2000
GenlOperations at RockfordDenton, Bill950142NScaleLayout, N
GenlOperations intimidation? 
Providenza, Jim910290RModel Craftsman 
GenlOperations on East Bay's Santa Fe Central 
Powis, E.W.680335MRCalifornia, Club, Layout
GenlOperations on Stony Creek & WesternFreitag, Gil950868MRKelly, Jim, Layout, Trackplan, Ho
GenlOperations on the HE&WT 
Durrenberger, Cyril820530Prototype Modeler 
GenlOperations on the HO Scale ShawmutAndrews, Dick82 Summer4Model RailroadingLayout
GenlOperations on the Sunset Valley RR 
Chubb, Bruce700636MRSvrr Trackplan, HO
GenlOperations Seen From Both Sides 
Pyfer, Jerry860936Prototype Modeler 
GenlOperations the thing at the Culver City Model Railroad ClubTarjany, Fran780738RRModelerClub, Layout
GenlOperators, The 
Towers, Whit1963-64-65 RModel Craftsmanmonthly columns covering all aspects of ops from prototype to mr and all systems
GenlPitfalls of operationBates, Alan L.771266RModel Craftsman 
GenlPrototype Operation on the Sunset Valley 
Chubb, Bruce7911118MR 
GenlRadio usage suggestions 
GenlRadio verbiageMansfield, Jim930665Model Railroading 
GenlRailroader's Story - Metropolitan Corridor Parts 1 - 6Carangi, Charles9012 Railmodel Journal 
GenlRailroading without Derailments 
Hediger, Jim960580MR 
GenlRealistic and Simple Train OperationsWengenroth, Fred870710Prototype Modeler 
GenlRealistic locomotive assignmentGruber, Bill9610112MRAssignment, Locomotive
GenlRealistic Operations, part 10Kang/Providenza960555Railmodel JournalDistributing cars in 'blocks' to & from major yards
GenlRealistic Performance 
Douds, Charles630538MR 
GenlRedesigning for better operation 
Boelter, Bob970798MRImproving the O scale Great Western
GenlRunning the Rockland 
Robb, Arthur T.4711910MRLayout
GenlSecrets of better operationSchopp, Bill620328RModel Craftsman 
GenlSelf-adjusting system of operation 
Vondrak, Ed870732NMRA Bulletin 
GenlSetting up an operating system for a mr 
Webb, Craig and Pete Moffett990779RModel Craftsman 
GenlShift Time 
Cole, R. Thomas930488MR 
GenlShort Line, Mixed Train Railroading 
Small, Charles S.550252MR 
GenlSignaling & Operation on Canandaigua Southern 
Armstrong, John960998MR 
GenlSignals that help you operate 
Garrison, Paul750460RRModelerSignal, Wiring
GenlSizing up the fleet (Official Register) 
Schleicher, Robert88018Model Railroading 
GenlSneak-off tracks 
Ellison, Frank4604240MR 
GenlStretching the Too-Short Main Line 
Houghton, Phillips610533MR 
GenlSymbol Freight Operations on Rick Kang's Layout 
Kang, Rick880811Model RailroadingLayout
GenlTesting procedures used by the Pasadena Model RR Club 
Bates, Alan L.740758RRModelerTowards better operation
GenlTime-Out for Brake Tests, New Age Operations, Part VIChristopherson, Bob940312Railmodel JournalBrake Test
GenlTonnage Ratings for Model Steam Locomotives 
Reschenberg & Odegard6003 MR 
GenlTowards reliable operation - stamping out gremlins 
Armstrong, John790972MRUseful table of maintenance/checklist items
GenlTower Operations, a Railroad's Story, Part IV 
 930850Railmodel JournalTower, Prototype
GenlTraffic and freight cars on the Cardinal SystemBrown, Jack911185RModel CraftsmanFreight, Layout
GenlTraffic Density 
Mansfield, Jim920744Model RailroadingPlanning For Operation Part 4
GenlTrain BlockingMansfield, Jim920544Model RailroadingPlanning For Operation Part 2
GenlTrain Classification 
Mansfield, Jim920466Model RailroadingPlanning For Operation Part 1
GenlTrain Scheduling 
Mansfield, Jim920628Model RailroadingPlanning For Operation Part 3
GenlTrains of Thought: Realistic operation 
Koester, Tony9208112MRTrainsofthought
GenlYard Hopping on the Glencoe Skokie Valley 
Ravenscroft, Ed590722MR 
Return to Index Key 
HelperAction On The Nation's Busiest Helper District 
Six, Jim920416Model RailroadingLocomotives of the PRR Cresson Helper pool
HelperHelper - with a name like that, what else could it be? 
Sims, Donald800554RRModelerHelper, D&RGW
HelperHelper Operations 
Hansen, Don W.860730Model RailroadingHelper
HelperHelper service 
Morgan, David P.490442MRHelper
HelperHelpers: for those steep grades 
Hutchinson511228RModel Craftsman 
HelperImproving helper operationsHenderson, Bill920560RModel CraftsmanHelper
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IndCar Movements at the Lone Star Portland Cement Plant 
 950516Railmodel JournalCement, Industry
IndFrom timber to tidewater - lumber operationSabol, James W.660820MR 
IndHaulin' steel on the Ohio SouthernHediger, Jim960482MR 
IndInterrelated industriesKnotts, Stan940414MR 
IndLoads-in/Empties-out Operations 
Saunders, Lee851128Model RailroadingEmpty, Load
IndMaking better use of industries 
Dohn, Roy631038MRIndustry, Technique
IndMidwest Pulpwood carloading practices and capacities 
Holbrook, Dan891016Railmodel Journal 
IndMill You Can Model: The Action at a Paper Plant 
Kang, Rick970911Railmodel JournalMill, Paper
IndNew England Paper Mills 
Lancaster, J. E.9705 Railmodel Journal 
IndPulpwood in the South, Part II: Operations on the SAL 93104Railmodel JournalIndustry, Pulpwood, Sal
IndPulpwood industry pts 2 & 3Holbrook, Dan900154Railmodel Journal 
IndRailroads and the automotive age 
Hediger, Jim970570MRcontemporary era in June issue
IndTeam Tracks and LCL Freight Yards 
Burroughs, Albin860964Model RailroadingLcl, Team, Track
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PerishOperations At Produce Terminals/Freight Houses in Pittsburgh 900822Railmodel JournalFreighthouse, Terminal
PerishRefrigerator Car Icing 
PerishRoll those Reefers 
Novit, Edward990990MR 
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ProtoABC's of diesel dates 
Kelly, Jim870758MRModels by years
ProtoABC's of prototype signalingOdegard, Gordon760954MRSignal, Prototype
ProtoAir Brakes for Model Railroaders 
Carlson, Fred9411100MR 
ProtoAirbrake Valve ActionWestcott, Linn H.680840MR 
ProtoApplying prototype knowledge to model ops 
Sperandeo, Andy941169MR 
ProtoB&O Baltimore street ops '40-'55 
Schlerf & Sagle921230Railmodel Journal 
ProtoB&O Fells Point Street ops 
Schlerf921030Railmodel Journal 
ProtoBN Selkirk Part III: Operation Procedures 
Morgan, Brian920545NScaleLayout, Bn, N
ProtoC&NW OperationsSage, Harry930353Mainline Modeleralso Aprp63, Mayp53
ProtoCity Street Operations at Baltimore's Fells PointSage, Harry921146Railmodel JournalCity, Street, Trackplanning
ProtoCompany Mail - Q&A on prototype operations 
Swanson, John1988monthlycolumnsPrototype Modeler
ProtoDenver O.S. Train registers, train orders, other paper work 
Steele, Rick850168Narrow Gauge &SLTrainorder
ProtoEmployee Timetables 
 7511 MR 
ProtoExtra 6138 East: prototype railroad modeling 
Hendrickson900110Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFast freight 
Ellison, Frank491216MR 
ProtoFinescale Operation I - State of the Art 
Lemke, Jeff8911 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFinescale Operation II - Operating Principles 
Lemke, Jeff9003 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFinescale Operation III - Interchange 
Lemke, Jeff9106 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFinescale Operation IV - Interlockings 
Lemke, Jeff9201 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFinescale Operation V - Slowing down the pace 
Lemke, Jeff9401 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFlag & Whistle - operations in the D&RGW and RGS 
Coker, Jim920782Narrow Gauge &SLFlag, Narrowgauge, Whistle
ProtoFreight Car Pooling 
Davis & deYoung8304 RModel Craftsman 
ProtoFreight Houses and Railroad LCL Service 
Yungkurth, Chuck841195RModel Craftsman 
ProtoFreight Houses, Part I The Freight Houses 
Lemke, Jeff8907 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFreight Houses, Part II Freight Handling 
Lemke, Jeff8909 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoFreight Houses, Part III Produce Terminals 
Lemke, Jeff9008 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, Yard Operations 
 950416Railmodel JournalYard, Prototype
ProtoIt's More Than HorsepowerTipton, Rick7811 MR 
ProtoLafayette, Indiana: NKP & NYC operationHarvey, Bill881168Mainline ModelerNYC, NKP
ProtoName That Track 
Geletzke, Charles9406 MR 
ProtoOperation Night: BN Selkirk - Part IV 
Morgan, Brian920738NScaleLayout, Bn, N
ProtoPalmerston, l.c.l. and the CNR 
Wilson, Ian970787RModel CraftsmanCnr, Lcl
ProtoPend Oreille Railroad: Operational insights 
Ingbretsen, Roger880452Mainline ModelerOperation, Railroad, Prototype
ProtoReal Railroading, Made Easy, Part I, Terms 
Kang & Providenza92058Railmodel Journal 
ProtoReal Railroading, Made Easy, Part II: Through Freights 
Kang & Providenza920748Railmodel Journalcrew calls, rules, moving traffic
ProtoRules Class, Parts 1 through 5Thorne, Dan9011, 9012, 9103, 9107, 9109 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoThrough Freight - Realistic Operations Parts 1 - 10Kang & Providenza94 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoTips 'n tales from the cab - branchline operations 
Hart, Vernon9203120MRBranchline
ProtoTips 'n tales from the cab - prototype switching 
Hart, Vernon9204142MRSwitching, Prototype
ProtoTrain Dynamics 
Davis, John960149Mainline ModelerSlack, Prototype
ProtoTrain Procedures Directories 
Gurin & McClelland790175RModel Craftsman 
ProtoTrain symbolsGruber, Bill920139NMRA Bulletin 
ProtoUnit train, real rr trains with solid consistsKang & Providenza9402 Railmodel Journal 
ProtoWhen LCL Meant Fast FreightBohi, Charles W930858TrainsLCL ops
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PsgrBaggage Car Operations on the Reading 
 92126Railmodel JournalBaggage, Passenger, Rdg
PsgrCard Order Operations for Passenger Trains 
Darnaby, Bill931074MR 
PsgrDrop That SleeperHoughton & Bowen480425MR 
PsgrExpress Box Car Operations 
Saunders, Lee850963Model RailroadingExpresscar, Passenger
PsgrFreight Cars of the 50s: Express Boxcars for Psgr Svc 850958Model Railroading 
PsgrGems of Passenger OperationLarson580450MR 
PsgrGems of Passenger Train Operation 
Larson, Paul580450MR 
PsgrHandling Mail 
Bull Session9108146MR 
PsgrLocal passenger train over the Gorre & Daphetid 
Allen, John690146MRLayout
PsgrMake mine passenger operation - terminal trackplan & ops 
Orgibet, Jorges741166MRPassenger, Terminal, Trackplan, Yard, Ho
PsgrMilk car off-loading 
Blardone, Chuck901028Railmodel Journal 
PsgrMilk Part 1 of 2: HP Hood Creamery 
Lancaster, J. E.900328Railmodel Journal 
PsgrMilk Train Operations: 1957Ozanich, John921016Railmodel Journallast days of milk trains
PsgrMilk Trains, Part 1: History, power and passenger cars 
 911144Railmodel JournalHistory, Locomotive, Milk, Passenger, Train
PsgrMilk Trains, Part II - Creamery OperationsLancaster, J. E.890530Model RailroadingMilk Train
PsgrMilk Trains... Boston & Maine Milk Cars and Combines 911234Railmodel JournalCombine, Milk, Milkcar, Train
PsgrModern Passenger Service - Via Flag Stops 
Watson, Russ930724Model RailroadingFlagstop, Passenger
PsgrMR rides a doodlebug 
Larson, Paul590424MRGas-Electric, Odegard, Gordon, Passenger, Prototype
PsgrPassenger Cars: Getting Passengers Aboard 
Fitzgerald, Jim920121NScaleHay, Es, Skip, Passenger
PsgrPassenger Train OperationClark, R720838NMRA BulletinPrototype example from 1967
PsgrPassenger train operation 
Ellison, Frank51068MRPassenger
PsgrPassenger Train operations on the Chesapeake System 
Alcock , Bruce & Michael Raskob960858MR 
PsgrPassenger train operations, a neglected opportunityBisgeier, Craig2000 Website see comments
PsgrPassenger Train Oriented Layout - Parts 1-4Clark, Robert A'0201 Model Railroading4 parts Jan-Apr 2002
PsgrPassenger Trains on the CM&SF 
Sperandeo, Andy800362MR 
PsgrPassenger-train ChallengeBroad641267MR 
PsgrPrototype Portfolio: Milwaukee Road's Fast MailStauss850837Prototype Modeler 
PsgrPullman ProlificacyShaffer671024Trains 
PsgrRR operation at stub terminalsRobinson, Cliff560242RModel CraftsmanPassenger, Switching, Terminal - cont Mar 56 p 25
PsgrSanta Fe passenger trains on the Argentine Div 
Hitchcock, Chuck199128Great MRsHitchcock, Chuck:, ision, 1991, p.21-28
PsgrSunshine on the SouthlandClark471027Trainsextensive route switching
PsgrSwitching action with passenger equipment 
Nehrich, John840921Model RailroadingPassenger, Switching
PsgrTo Market by Rail: Milk Cars Part I - RR OwnedYungkurth860289RMCAlso Pt II - Private 8603 p 85
PsgrTwelve Hours at Argentine 
Hitchcock, Chuck199710MR PlanningHitchcock, Chuck
PsgrTwist on Tuscan RedDubin670938Trains 
PsgrWhen Two Trains Equal OneShaffer640244Trains 
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SwtgABC's of switching Cars 
Kelly, Jim8710108Model RailroadingKelly, Jim
SwtgBox Car Clean-Up Switching Moves 
 910131Railmodel JournalBoxcar, Switching, Freightcar
SwtgFlying switch operations 
Bull, Howard W.740142MRFlyingswitch, Switching
SwtgSwitching on a branchline 
Stauss, Ed771258RRModelerCaboose talk - you have to plan ahead
SwtgSwitching Prototype Style 
Bates, Alan L.7912126MR 
SwtgSwitching Shippensburg 
Lemke, J.H.921140NScaleReid, Bill, Switching
SwtgSwitching the Interchange 
Christopherson, Bob940127Railmodel JournalInterchange, Switching
SwtgTrack Scale Switching MovementsKelly, Jim87064Model RailroadingScale, Switching
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WayFrtApple North out of Sunrise 
Koester, Tony930369MR 
WayFrtBrakeman on the Yellow Extra, on the Sunset Valley 
Chubb, Bruce730156MRSvrr
WayFrtConsider the Lowly PeddlerBoomer Pete54066MRVery basic info
WayFrtConsider the way freight 
Hiatt, John T.681160MRFreight, Wayfreight
WayFrtDay with a Jersey Eastern switching crew, 11x16 ctr op 
Mansfield, Jim8411104MRLayout, Trackplan, Ho
WayFrtDay with extra 487 
Dunning, Denis740830RRModelerFreight, Wayfreight, UP, Prototype
WayFrtMixed Train (Daily) Operations 
Kelly, Jim870738Model Railroading 
WayFrtMixed train: bull session 
Hediger, Jim8806132MR 
WayFrtModern mixed train operation 
Heinen, Ken660138MRRailroad, Wab, Prototype
WayFrtRailroad operation: Way Freight No. 2A 
Robinson, Cliff560440RModel CraftsmanWayfreight
WayFrtRealistic Operations, part 9; WayfreightKang, Rick970411Railmodel JournalOperation designed by former railroaders
WayFrtRiding the Cookie Box extra 
Steer, David G.960473RModel Craftsman 
WayFrtRoute switching - model railroading at its best 
Ellison, Frank500324MRSwitching
WayFrtUseful little peddler, the 
Robb, Arthur T.4812929MRWayfreight
WayFrtWay freight 
Ellison, Frank500228MRWayfreight
WayFrtWay Freight Operations on the Yampa Valley RR 
Rothe, Robert7710114MR 
WayFrtWinfield Local - ride along on a prototype freight, part 1 
Karsten, Robert780153RModel CraftsmanFreight, Ri, Wayfreight - cont Feb 78 p 59
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YardsAround the clock at Frankfort YardDaily1996p16MRPlanningNKP yd
YardsFreight yards 
Ellison, Frank500131MR 
YardsGive the Yardmanster a break 
Tipton, Rick7809126Model Railroading 
YardsGo with the (Traffic) Flow - Pt III Yard Operations 
Swanson, John880334Prototype Modeler 
YardsLarge Terminal Operations in Small Spaces 
 911256Railmodel JournalWashington Terminal
YardsModel the Action, NOT the Yard: A Railroad's Story, part IPuckett, Larry901216Railmodel JournalTrackplanning, Yard
YardsYard at Manchester - adding a small yard to the Ma&Pa 
Ellison, Frank650248MRSwitching, Yard
YardsYard at Westport - operators have to cooperate here 
Decker, John R.8309116MRLayout, Switching, Yard
YardsYard Operations Planning on the Allegheny Midland 
Koester, Tony199610MR PlanningKoester, Tony
YardsYard Switching, Prototype Style 
Towers, Whit610738MR 
YardsYard throats for operationsBarrow, David199784MR Planning